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Children's Mental Health Week 5th-9th Feb

This week we have celebrated Children's Mental Health Week with the theme, ' My Voice Matters'.
This is about empowering children and young people by providing them with the tools they need to express themselves.
When we feel empowered, this can have a positive impact on our wellbeing. Children and young people who feel that their voices are heard and can make a difference have a greater sense of community and self-esteem. This year, we want children of all ages, backgrounds and abilities to be empowered to work together to create a positive change for their mental health and wellbeing.
During Children’s Mental Health Week we want all children and young people to be able to say – and believe - “My Voice Matters”.

We have ended the week with 'Express Yourself Day' and every child has chosen a wellbeing activity to end their day. This could be one of these *Football *Yoga *Art & Colouring *Dance *Playdough *Hama Beads. Do have a conversation with your child about what they have been learning over the half term holiday.

‘Growing and learning together, Sharing the love of God’
